Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What are we learning about???

 The next few weeks we will be focusing on The First Americans Unit 1

    - The Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs

    - Mesoamerica

In English, we will be focusing on verbs. 

    - Action



    -Verb tenses


    -Class A- The Witches

    -CLass B- The BFG        


Quiz dates!

 💥Verbs quiz- November 4th 💥

📅 History quiz- November 4th

📌Vocabulary quiz (definitions only)-  November 4th

Monday, October 18, 2021

Vocabulary Words October 18- November 3

 AUTHOR- A person who writes books

ILLUSTRATOR- A person who draws or creates pictures for books

FICTION- A book on not true events

NONFICTION- A book on true events

NARRATOR- The person who tells the story

MAIN CHARACTER- Central character in book

What are we learning about???

 The next few weeks we will be focusing on The First Americans Unit 1     - The Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs     - Mesoamerica In English, we w...